Who's on First?


               I turned on the local tv news(channel 2, NYC) to find the latest on the situation in Korea.  A family member is from there.  What do I find as the lead story?  Prince William and Kate's wedding arrangements! This is the most important news of the day?  Ahead of the economy? Our two wars? Are they kidding?  I have nothing against the Prince or Kate, but give me a break.

          I have watched local news for many years, and have seen changes, and not for the better.  It was bad enough watching all the local murders, rapes, holdups, etc., but I am convinced that part of the "dumbing down" of America that many people talk about is evidenced in what the media thinks the average person is interested in.  Local news has also become showbiz news.  The nightly newscast throws in stuff about celebrities' scandals, love affairs, plastic surgery, you name it.  Is this really what people want?  Has our populace become so shallow and starstruck that this garbage is more important than what goes on in the real world? Things that can and do affect them?

     Just asking.

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